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Parsha Behukotai

G‑d promises that if the people of Israel will keep His commandments, they will enjoy material prosperity and dwell secure in their homeland. But He also delivers a harsh “rebuke,” warning of the exile, persecution and other evils that will befall them if they abandon their covenant with Him.


Nevertheless, “Even when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away; nor will I ever abhor them, to destroy them and to break My covenant with them; for I am the L‑rd their G‑d.”


The Parshah concludes with the rules on how to calculate the values of different types of pledges made to G‑d, and the mitzvah of tithing produce and livestock.


In Parshat Bechukotai, we read about the promises that G‑d gives us if we keep the Torah and do the mitzvot:

rain will come when we need it to make the crops grow there will be enough food and everybody will eat until they are satisfied

we will have peace and security in the land

no wild beasts or armies will pass through the land

we will be successful in our battles and victorious over armies much larger than ours

and G‑d will be with us.


But, then the Torah tells us that if the people don't keep the commandments, and forget about their agreement with G‑d, then many unfortunate things will happen. But even if G‑d is angry at the Jews and must punish them, he will never forget or abandon them.


The last thing we learn in the Parshah is how to calculate the value of different types of gifts that people promise to G‑d.

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