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Parsha Re'eh

   In this weeks parsha, it says:
כי יכרית ה, אלהיך את הגוים אשר אתה בא שמה לרשת אותם מפניך וירשת אתם וישבת בארצם.

   When the Lord your G-d will cut down the nations, which you come to drive them out from before you, you shall drive them out and dwell in their land.(12:29)
An explanation on this called the Midrash Sifrei comments, “Perform a mitzvah stated in this context and in it’s merit the Lord you G-d will cut down the nations. And in the merit of you coming, you will drive them out.”

   Another commentary called the Malbim says that, “The words, ‘which you come to drive them out’ are superfluous. The Torah coul’ve just said, ‘When the Lord you G-d will cut down the nations from before you’. Therefore, our sages understood that when we perform the mitzvah of coming to the land, Hashem will cut down our enemies and we will succeed in driving them out.”

   How appropriate is this for our current situation? The only way to defeat our enemies is to move to Israel. This is from a natural and supernatural point of view. From a natural point of view, the more Jews in Israel, less chance of the Arabs driving us out. After all, their ultimate goal is to outnumber us and defeat us. From a supernatural perspective, when we show Hashem that we are willing to sacrifice for his land, he will intervene and help us.

   It is impossible to fulfill all of the Torahs commandments except in Israel. The only reason we do them out of Israel is to remember them. Therefore, this weeks parsha provides us with two reasons to make aliyah. For our own spiritual benefit and for the benefit of all of the Jews. Whichever reason you choose, the important thing is to return home. 

    Of all of the great gifts that the Torah gave forth to the Children of Israel, there is no greater gift that bestows satisfaction in life with great abundance
like the mitzvah which is among the earliest of mitzvot, “the Mitzvah of Shabbat”.

Take the Shabbat away from a Jew, and it is as if you took from him his most precious pearl, the special peacefulness of the Shabbat.

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