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Shabbat: The Ultimate Medicine!!

    We find that the mitzvah of Shabbos is both highly praised when we keep it. When we don't, Hashem says (Yeshaya 1) "Chodsheichem UMoadaichem Sanah Nafsi" my heart despises your special days. Why the drastic emotions for this particular mitzvah?


    The Dubno Maggid explains with a Mashal. A very wealthy man had chronically sick children so he hired a top doctor to permanently stay with them. He loved the doctor very much as he tended to the children and always came up with the perfect medicine to cure them.

One day one of the children became deathly ill and although the doctor prepared medicine that would save his life the child refused to take it. As the child's health deteriorated and he hovered near death the father became very angry with the doctor and couldn't hide his contempt for him. The doctor asked the father, "Why are you angry with me. It is your child's fault that refuses to take his medicine." The father answered that if there was no medicine he could accept his son's fate, but because the doctor prepared medicine that can save his son's life and he won't take it, when he sees the doctor and is reminded of this, his pain is double.


    The Dubno Maggid continues. Hashem gave us the Mitzva of Shabbos which is a medicine that cures our soul from all the ills from during the week. Hashem, our Father in Heaven, wants us, his dear children to take this medicine to restore our good health. If we don't use this medicine to save our Neshama, Hashem looks at it in despair saying that they are worthless and they just add to his anguish. Shabbos is the ultimate medicine. Make sure to follow the instructions.


    In the eyes of Hashem a Shabbat desecrator is worse than a murderer In the book " Simanim LeAd" it brings a Chidush that says when Moshe brought down the first Luchot


    He saw the golden calf and dropped the Luchot, they broke and the letters flew back up and then Moshe says "how can they still dance around it while I'm standing here with the Torah"'.


    A question is being asked couldn't Moshe have said that before dropping the luchot why did he say that only after he dropped it and it wouldn't make sense for him to say that because he really didn't have the Torah because it flew up.


    The Gemara gives an answer that really all the letters didn't fly up the commandment of keeping Shabbat stayed


    What we see from here is when Moshe said  “how can they still dance around while I have the Torah with me here" the message really means keeping Shabbat is like keeping the whole torah. If you keep Shabbat it's like you keep the whole Torah and if you don't keep Shabbat it's like you don't keep the whole Torah. After all our weekly blessings come from Shabbat!

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